We understand the challenges associated with complying with HIPAA’s training and retraining requirements more than ever.
- The office of civil rights has indicated its intent and ability to conduct scheduled and random privacy and security audits. It has the funding and recently placed an employment classified for additional personnel.
- State attorneys general have the authority to conduct investigations into privacy and security breaches of protected health information and have already taken action in some states.
HIPAA requires workforce members (employees, volunteers, interns, trainees - anyone under your control) to get the appropriate role based training. HIPAAbooster.com assists your organization to comply with these training requirements whether they be initial training, ongoing traning or retraining as a result of your santion policy.
Complete documentation for compliance purposes is provided to the workforce member and to the organization. Electronic study materials, exam results and logs makes life easier for the compliance officer. By simply logging in, they get access to their whole organization's training records ready for printing and filing in the HIPAA manual.
By covering all parts of HIPAA compliance, HIPAAbooster.com can help prevent your workforce from making costly mistakes.